Algarve Wednesday Walkers

This blog aims to recount the exploits of that brave band of pedestrians, the AWW, who meet almost every Wednesday to go where no others have been before, on foot, in the wilds of the Algarve.

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Saturday, May 13, 2006

How to spend €600,000 !

The news that €600,000 was available for creating and marking an official version of the Algarve Way was met with some cynicism by certain members of the Wednesday Walkers. After several years of little or no contact since Maurice, Rod, Myriam and others attended meetings on the way forward with Almargem, Terry and David devised, marked and wrote up their own route based on the one previously walked by the WW in both directions, but attempting to stay away from roads and tarmac. This attracted a small amount of publicity, and a query arrived asking for details of the route. This was dealt with separately by David, but when Myriam and I visited Cape St. Vincent in late April with Tanya, to take in the view and also to see the Cistus waymark of the unofficial end of Via Algarviana, which Maurice had stencilled on February 22nd (see previous blog of February 24th) we found the Grand Marker (pictured above) of Kilometer 0.0 of the EcoVia. Presumably this has been funded by part of the amount granted, and I would be grateful if any readers can find any more of the markers, and photograph and contribute them. I suspect they will mainly be found near main roads, if there are to be more, but it will be most interesting to see how the official Route develops and is marked. Comments on this are welcomed. Posted by Picasa


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