Algarve Wednesday Walkers

This blog aims to recount the exploits of that brave band of pedestrians, the AWW, who meet almost every Wednesday to go where no others have been before, on foot, in the wilds of the Algarve.

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Friday, April 21, 2006

Terry's Besteiros Bonanza - 19th April 2006

Leader: Terry
Supported by: Paul, Hedley, Mike, Chris, Antje, Gack, Andrew, Lindsey, Stan, Elaine, Janet, Tanya, Maria.
Xana, Nathan, Archie, Oscar, Tiggy

An encouraging turnout of 14 (+ 5) for an all new walk created by Terry in his own backyard, starting from Besteiros, despite being towards the outer limits of known walking areas, to the east of Salir. It could have been 15, but Myriam was nursing a newly operated finger (no not the one used for prodding me - that still works perfectly well!), and claimed she would be unable to grasp her walking stick sufficiently well. Photo of motley crew (above) at the start, mostly paying attention to the appeals of the leader and cameraman to say "Queijo", except for a certain senior walker, who apparently had used his new batteries in his GPS this time, instead of in his hearing aid!!
Numbers were boosted,(and average age considerably lowered) by the voluntary participation of my daughter, Tanya, and her friend Maria, both trainee nurses, on a short break from studies in London.
This was to be an extremely agreeable walk, not only because we were favoured with a clear sunny day, with just enough cooling breeze to keep things comfortable, but also because the combination of ridges and valleys gave wonderful views, and the spring flowers were out in all their abundant beauty. Enough of the poetic appreciation of nature - now to the incident packed inside story!!
Less than 500 metres from the start, Janet had a senior moment, when she could barely be restrained from jogging back to her car for her fleece, only to have it pointed out that it was dangling from the bottom of her rucksack, invisible only to her!! Terry's navigation was almost impeccable for the first section, as he led us at the 2.5 mile (4 km) point down a valley through an original woodland of cork oaks to the building site of a new and impressive Country Club. The access paths in the area had been graded, and this perhaps forebode the dreaded tarmac, as Terry had spoken to the manager previously who had intimated that he would be laying out and marking walking trails for guests at the Club. Wouldn't do to get pieces of the Algarve countryside adhering to their Gucci loafers!!
We had been promised a climb or two, and we were not disappointed, as shortly we started up from the valley floor, without climbing aids nor oxygen towards a dauntingly high ridge. Gack surprised us all, by moving up through the field to reach top of climb in about 5th place. All was revealed when she extracted from her cavernous rucksack, a Hospital Strength Sphygmomanometer, and proceeded to check her blood pressure - apparently on Doctor's orders! The type of Doctor who would instruct a client to carry such an enormous piece of medical equipment up a hill should be struck off - the extra weight alone would give most people a much increased heart rate! Anyway, the readings were evidently most encouraging, and Gack leapt to her feet and strode on with renewed vigour.
Hedley made a bid for "The Earliest Query for Lunch" with a "Please Sir - is it lunchtime yet?" at only 10 minutes to 11. Fortunately, Terry had already picked out a superb spot near a windmill with panoramic views, and stone walls to sit upon, but we were still one hour and forty minutes away from that, according to my Bamboo Diagrams, compiled with a newly adjusted pedometer giving readings surprisingly similar to Mike's rejuvenated GPS.
During a short rest on the next uphill stretch, Andrew surprised us all by spitting out one of his front teeth, and stamping on it to demonstrate it's durability. He then replaced it, explaining that he needed it in place when he was talking to 'the girls'!! Apparently he had been a client of a dodgy Albufeira dentist in the past, but now flew to London for all his dental requirements.
Lunch was before 1 o'clock at the magnificent windmill (photo below), and here our visiting junior pedestrians removed their boots to find large gouts of skin hanging from the backs of their heels. I have to confess that I had ordered them to wear their boots out of fear of censure from the Senior Walker present, for contravening Bye Law 8.3 ss.7 'Failing to ensure that guest walkers are properly shod'! Had they been able to wear their preferred Designer Trainers, their heels might have yet been intact. If they are sufficiently recovered by next Wednesday, they may again join us, and I make a plea for dispensation in their case. Between us, Terry and I had sufficient 'Second Skin' to effect repairs and enable the two girls to continue.
The latter part of the walk was pleasant and highlighted by again converging on the Via Algarviana and we commented on the discovery of several Cistus Way Marks, which were only matched in beauty by the abundant 'real thing' which was blooming in all it's glory.
All in all a great walk - only 16-17 km altogether, but Terry did drop a few points as the Taberna do Bica at the end failed to come up with the preferred Sagres Bohemia, and Tanya naively fetched the Chief Blogger two of the miniature beers preferred by the local 'Old Boys' rather than his third of a litre usual model. So much for an expensive education!

I did mention the new Shakespeare Way to several walkers during this walk. Info can be found at and

And another thing: It has been proposed that at our Annual End of Season extravaganza, when we blow all the accumulated funds, that there be a 'Blog of the Year' Award. As I am encouraging walk leaders to contribute pieces on their own walks (to save me thinking too much) I am all in favour, and would be grateful for comments and suggestions for criteria if the general opinion is favourable.


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