Algarve Wednesday Walkers

This blog aims to recount the exploits of that brave band of pedestrians, the AWW, who meet almost every Wednesday to go where no others have been before, on foot, in the wilds of the Algarve.

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Friday, March 31, 2006

The meaning of Blog

Received by email yesterday a rather disturbing note from "Worried" of Asparagus House, questioning the meaning of 'blog' as we enter our third blogging month. It is reproduced below uncensored and in all it's grisly syntax. Please stop here and DO NOT READ IT if you are sensitive, easily influenced or of a nervous disposition!! I hope this seditious undermining of the principles of Blogdom can be nipped in the bud. Oh and BTW, I feel that female bloggers should be referred to as "Blogarinas" !! The doubter in question appears above in bamboo stick form in Empire Builder shorts and holding hands with his new best friend!!

Dear Chief Blogger,

I have spent a disturbed night, not attributable to indigestion or to Wine Mine’s latest brew, considering the implications of the Path of Blogs down which you have set us.

Is our august body of walkers now no more than a bunch of Bloggers? I fear that, if so, we may be distanced by our friends.

In this regard you could perhaps clarify whether it is polite or politically correct to address someone as ‘A Blogger’. What is the female version – A Bloggeress, Blogerette or what? And how can we expect our lovely and charming lady companions to view such titles?

In the case of Thyl and myself, do we suffer from being somewhat blogged beneath our walking hats?

Again, I have to think how I may appear to Oscar in my new role. I am not sure whether he will regard me with the same sense of respect as hitherto if he becomes aware that I have ceased to be a humble Algarve Wednesday Walker and am now no more than just another Blogger. In any event, how should I now address him? Is he a brown woolly blog?

Perhaps, in reply, you could supply a suitable 'bamboo stick' drawing as to how you envisage a male or female walker-blogger should appear.

Yours, in bloggedness,

Mike the Blog

Any offers of counselling to cope with Mike's identity crisis would be gratefully received.


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